Shiloh Baptist Church
“The Church of the Open Door
Where the Word of God is Preached
With the Power of the Holy Spirit!”
Every Sunday
“We are not a perfect church, but we are a church that loves the Lord!”
Welcome to the Shiloh Baptist Church of Trenton website! We praise GOD that the Holy Spirit has directed you here. We pray that this site will be a blessing to you through information and inspiration. We also pray that you use this new and ever-evolving resource to learn more about how we at the Shiloh Church engage in ministry. We offer various ways to join us every day of the week, no matter your age or spiritual experience. We invite you to participate in our worship services, prayer sessions, Life Learning Groups and other fellowship groups via Facebook, YouTube or our designated phone lines. This website has all the information you want to decide what meets your needs now.
God bless you!
Reverend Dr. Darrell L. Armstrong, Pastor
APSAC, The Rape Foundation, and UCLA Health, with the support of many organizations, have created a new video to raise awareness about
"Child Maltreatment During The Pandemic"
with Jennifer Garner & Pastor Darrell Armstrong
Visit FAAITH and The Rape Foundation to learn more.

We Are Open
The Church building is opened to the public during regular business hours Monday - Friday between 9am-5pm.
Every Sunday 8am
As of January 1st, 2023, we invite the public to worship with us (in-person and on-line) during our 8am service only! We have temporarily suspended our 11am worship service until further notice.
Weekday Prayer
Monday - Friday / 12 Noon / 339-207-8145
Sunday Services / 339-207-8145
Grieving the loss of Someone?
Find comfort and support at GriefShare.
13-week session you can join at anytime! The meetings are via Zoom, every Monday from 6 to 8 pm starting June 1st.
Questions? Call 609.331.9618
Select “Find a group” and type in “Shiloh Trenton”